door Karl DonvilSHOW: Lovanium Trofee 2022 Leuven/ Belgium
Kind: Single Show CACIB/CAC and Crufts Qualifier
Number of entries: 1710entries, 900 on Saturday, 810 on Sunday
Place: Leuven/ Belgium
Sponsor: Mongé
Number of judges: 13
BIS judge: Mr. Markku Mähönen from Finland
3 Best scoring judges Saturday: Bart Scheerens from Belgium with 122 entries, Patsy Hollings from Great Britain with 99 entries (incl. 30 Shelties), Sylvie Desserne from France with 91 entries
3 Best scoring judges Sunday: Pasty Hollings with 117 entries (incl.26 Irish Setters and 33 Labradors), Luis Catalan from Portugal with 107 entries, Markku Mähönen from Finland with 96 entries (incl.55 Golden Retrievers)
Best scoring judge: Patsy Hollings with a total of 216 entries
Dogs/judging day score: All judges were well chosen with a high score of 71dogs/Judging day
Best scoring breeds: 55 goldens, 33 Labradors, 26 Irish Setters, 30 Shelties, 30 Rhodesian Ridgebacks, 31 Jack Russell Terriers,37 Corgies, 40 Great Danes
Best in Show winner: the Golden Retriever "Prince Charming Qdore Of Labgold" owned by Pastusiak Karoline from Belgium, 5 years old Male entered in Champion Class.
General Impression: Lots of Parking, close to major highways, and easy to access. Not many commercial stands. Good timing. Dry-Bed for every dog, Tricolor ribbon for every BOB, and 4 Prices in Kind.
Minor remarks or suggested points of improvement: especially on Saturday exhibitors did not respect the safety corridors which could result in very dangerous situations.
Conclusion: Leuven proves that Single CACIB shows can be very successful with 1710 entries!